Pixelate Free Download for Unity

Looking to convert 3D Animation into Pixel Sprite Sheets try Pixelate

check out pixelate for unity game designers
Create Pixelated models with pixelate

Let’s face it we all can’t be amazing pixel artists, some of us find it difficult to create such amazing art. Well did you know that you don’t need to be to create pixel art for your game? This is where this amazing tool comes into great use. Pixelate is an tool that converts 3D animations into Pixel sprite sheets, yes you heard that right!

Pixelate uses a propriety 3D – 2D shader system. This always the tool to control the size of your sprites to best suite your game, the animation frame rate and react to 2D lighting. This also works in real time. Animate your characters quickly and more efficiently in pixel art with the use of the Pixelate free download. You can customize any 3d models with this tool.

Let’s face it learning pixel art is time consuming and very difficult. What can take years to perfect only takes a few hours of getting used to with this amazing tool. You will be able to create natural organic pixel art, much more faster than what you could do with hand drawing each frame. The sprite sheets created using normal maps so will work well within a 2D lighted environment.

Just create your 3D character, remove any lighting effects to your design, add some simple animations then let pixelate do all the hard work for you. This tool optimizes the animation process keeping everything to a bare minimum.

example of how to use pixelate to turn your 3d models into 2d
An example of how you can use pixelate in the unity browser

Key Features of the Pixelate Unity Plugin

Here is a quick breakdown of some of the cool features that the free download of pixelate has to offer it’s users.

  • Convert 3D Animation to 2D quickly and efficiently
  • Reactive with 2D Lighting (URP)
  • Normal Maps work with 3D
  • You can see a live version of the end product before exporting
  • Export supports a large list of resolutions
  • Control over the Frame Rate of each animation
  • Flexible
  • Active community that ships updates and offers support
Sprite sheet created using pixelate

As you can see from the list above this tool has got it all when it comes to animation in 2D. So if perhaps a pixel style character, might just be the thing you are looking for, then we suggest to get hold of pixelate. You would be silly not to, unless you love spending hours creating pixel sprite sheets! This works well in game engines too!

Why Should I Download Pixelate?

Pixelate is an advanced tool that can turn your 3d models into pixel versions of themselves. Sure it might be a niche audience but if this is the style you are looking for, you can save yourself a ton of time by getting this unity plugin.

It works with all 3d models you import into unity. So let’s say you want a post apocalyptic world or perhaps a sci-fi style one? we have you covered with the free unity models. All you need to do is grab a copy of pixelate and run your models through it.

As always you can download this tool below as a non commercial licence.

download Pixelate FREE for Unity

Nulled Pixelate


Good luck with creating some amazing 2D animations using pixelate. We look forward to seeing your creations, share them below. Why not check out more tools!

From The Get Free Unity Assets Team

Here at Get Free Unity Assets we aim to help games designers obtain the game assets they require to create their very own game. We do know creating games can be quite expensive, especially with all the unity packages available for download.

So we created this website to provide unity assets for free to our users. That’s right they are yours to download and use on your game projects. Please note though as part of our terms of service you can only use the assets found on this website for non-commercial purposes. If you wish to use them commercially you will need to source a full licence from the creator.

As for learning how to create your own games our free unity assets are perfect for beginners and advanced users alike so feel free to download them and use them. Please do remember to share with us your finished work, we love seeing new game content ideas.

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