Horse Animset Pro (Riding System)

Horse Animset Pro Free Download for Unity

view of a horse model in Horse Animset Pro

Good, solid and realistic animations are quite a feet to achieve if you are fairly new to games design. This is where Animation sets come into great use. If you are a fan of horses then the Horse Animset Pro (Riding System) is just the thing you will want to get hold of. This set comes with High Quality animations so you can make your horse models look more realistic in game.

Horse Animset Pro free download  is what is known as an animation framework and a riding system controller. This is basically a pre made animation set to allow your Horse/animal models to be rigged, giving them the look and feel of a real horse. You can also use this for any humanoid character, but we would advise against you creating a game where you ride humans… or maybe… yeah let’s not go there. You can also try out the polygon models with this tool.

This pack includes a basic character controller so you can get to understand the basics of the pack but it can also be added to any other controllers found compatible with unity.

Horse Animset Pro (Riding System)

example of the combat system in Horse Animset Pro
Animset Pro In action – Person Mounted on Horse

Please note this package is continuously being worked on and as each update is released more features are added. So it will be in your best interest to bookmark this page and look out for any updates via our twitter page.

Key Features of Horse Animset Pro

variation of horse models in animset pro

Features of the horse

Here is a quick breakdown of the features that can be used for your horse model using this Animset Pro unity asset:

  • Animations: A Total of 80 animation Clips, abilities: gallop, sprint, death, jump, swim, fall, attack, canter, trot.
  • Textures:  A ton of textures for each horse and style
  • Controller: A Basic controller to help interact with the horse model
  • Models: 4 Horse styles (1 ployart)
  • Sounds: Custom sounds, A simple step system to track sound and particles
  • Extras: Supports NavMesh Agents. Basic AI and directional damage.

Features of the Rider

Here are some of the features you can find when using the Rider animset:

  • Animations: 123 Animations, should be used with humanoid rigs for aesthetics. Want to rig your own try Dynamic bone.
  • Textures:  Rider model with 1 texture.
  • Controller: Rider System (TCP & FPC)
polygon horse model unity free download

Extra Features

Horse Animset Pro comes packed with a Rider Combat System. This includes the use with a Bow, Melee and even a pistol there are being edits on more items being used at a later date. You can use your own riders if you want we prefer the modular hero pack.

A very Basic Inventory system to demonstrate the way the rider interacts. Please note this is basic and should be treated as such. Please note you can also use this asset in game engines like the RPG game engine.

Here is a breakdown of some of the extras offered by Horse Animset Pro: Material changer, mesh changer, blend shapes, animator messages, head tracking, weapons, basic animal AI, basic camera, compatible with all Malbers Animals.

Nulled Horse Animset Pro for unity

Note: With all our files including this one you download these on the principle that they will not be used for commercial purposes. They are solely used for learning and testing purposes before purchasing the product.

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From The Get Free Unity Assets Team

Here at Get Free Unity Assets we aim to help games designers obtain the game assets they require to create their very own game. We do know creating games can be quite expensive, especially with all the unity packages available for download.

So we created this website to provide unity assets for free to our users. That’s right they are yours to download and use on your game projects. Please note though as part of our terms of service you can only use the assets found on this website for non-commercial purposes. If you wish to use them commercially you will need to source a full licence from the creator.

As for learning how to create your own games our free unity assets are perfect for beginners and advanced users alike so feel free to download them and use them. Please do remember to share with us your finished work, we love seeing new game content ideas.

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