Get Hold of the Medieval Mega Pack Volume 2
Unity asset Pack
Create your very own Medieval style game with this pack
Are you a huge fan of medieval style games? well you are going to absolutely love this asset pack. It’s got everything you need to create your very own medieval village, heck you can even build a castle with this pack too! What more could you want. We also have the perfect asset pack that goes with this pack and it’s for medieval battle Armor!
So if you are planning on creating an MMO style game, then maybe this unity asset pack might be the perfect solution for your next game. This asset pack works well when used with the Ork framework – this unity asset pack has been designed to make creating rpg battle games easier.
About the Medieval Mega Pack Volume 2
The Medieval Mega Pack Volume 2 is perfect for people new to creating game content. We always recommend new games designers to get hold of complete model packs. The reason behind this is down to the fact you have more in game items to play around with.
Let’s face it creating a game from scratch with no models, can become quite tiring and boring to say the least. At least with high quality custom models (like the ones found in this model pack) you will be able to have hours of fun creating your own game environments. It’s best to get used to this kind of game editing if you are going to want to become a level designer.
These models have a texture resolution of 2048 x 2048 making them of great quality for both mobile and VR style games (well if that’s your kind of thing, that is.). The style of these models is of a mix between stylized and realistic, giving it a modern touch and compatible with a lot of models found within our website.
Please note these textures are simple textures and no shaders have been added to them, so play around with them a bit and add your own style. Why not try fantasy 4000 icon pack with this mega pack if you want to add a more RPG style UI to your game.
What is included in this Medieval Mega Pack
This pack really is a “mega” pack it contains 329 prefabs that are included within this asset pack. So plenty of items to create your next medieval style game or level.
Here are a few items you can find in this pack:
- Barns
- sheds
- castles
- docks
- gates
- gravestones
- houses (pre-built)
- candles
- lanterns
- coins
- cart wheels
- bulletin boards
- pumpkin
- flowers
- rocks
- trees
- bushes
- pottery
- beds
- books
- bottles
- tables
- demo scenes.
- There is also another 177 new prefab pieces included with 66 castle pieces.
With the new additions that brings the total to way over 500 prefabs are contained in this medieval mega pack.
This gives you plenty of 3D models to play around with to create that dream game or level you have planned to create. These type of asset packs would be great to be used with the game engine RPG Builder.
If you are struggling to create a good looking UI for your game then we do recommend you check out this RPG UI. It does give your game a clean look and feel, which is important when making your very own RPG style games.
Please note this doesn’t have to be an rpg style game you could use this pack for a wide range of uses, why not try to make your very own FPS style game (first person sword). See what we did there?
All assets found on get free unity assets are for non commercial use only. So please bare this in mind before download the Medieval Mega Pack Volume 2 asset pack
We do hope you enjoy our free unity assets and find great use with the Medieval Mega Pack Volume 2. We would love for you to show us your finished work when using this pack.
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From The Get Free Unity Assets Team
Here at Get Free Unity Assets we aim to help games designers obtain the game assets they require to create their very own game. We do know creating games can be quite expensive, especially with all the unity packages available for download.
So we created this website to provide unity assets for free to our users. That’s right they are yours to download and use on your game projects. Please note though as part of our terms of service you can only use the assets found on this website for non-commercial purposes. If you wish to use them commercially you will need to source a full licence from the creator.
As for learning how to create your own games our free unity assets are perfect for beginners and advanced users alike so feel free to download them and use them. Please do remember to share with us your finished work, we love seeing new game content ideas.