Advanced FPS Counter Free Download

Bench Test and Display a FPS Counter in Your Games

Advanced FPS Counter free download for unity

Ever wanted to bench test your games? well a good way to do this is with an FPS counter. You can understand what you user is seeing and if system specs are suitable for your game. This is all part and parcel when you create your own games.

If you require a FPS counter for testing purposes or if you want users to see an FPS counter well we do recommend you download the Advanced FPS Counter. It’s reliable, useful and comes with a ton of features.

As you can see in the above image it tells you your system spec and how it’s performing while you game is being played. Using an fps counter is key to finding any issues with your game. This is perfect when twinned with game engines like top down engine, where you might notice lagging at times. Or for use with other FPS style games.

Get hold of the Nulled Version of Advanced FPS Counter

Nulled download of the advanced fps counter for unity
Nulled download of the advanced fps counter for unity

If you have ever asked yourself “id love to see an fps counter on my screen” you will want to download this unity asset. There is so many features and options with this asset pack.

Advanced FPS Counter File Contents

This asset pack contains the Advanced FPS Counter asset file aswell as a few extra files. You can see in the below image.

contents of the advanced fps counter download
full list of the file contents

All about Advanced FPS Counter Free Download for Unity

So you want to know all about this unity asset well here it is!

Here is a list of the stats that can be shown using this asset pack within unity, it will show stats via 3 counters:

  • β€’ FPS Counter
  • β€’ Memory Counter
  • β€’ Device Information Counter

It also has a lot of customization customization settings.

πŸ“Œ FPS Counter

Frames per second, obviously ;D

Frame time in milliseconds.

Average FPS with customizable samples.

Minimum and maximum FPS with prewarm.

Approximate Render Time.

Custom colors within 3 custom intervals.

πŸ“Œ Memory Counter

Total private memory.

Allocated memory.

Mono memory.

GFX Driver memory (Unity 2018+, dev build).

Optional Precise mode for extra accuracy.

Customizable color.

πŸ“Œ Device Information Counter

Customizable color.

OS: name and Platform type.

CPU: model, cores count.

GPU row 1: full model name.

GPU row 2: API name and type.

GPU row 3: shader model & VRAM.

RAM: total amount on current device.


  • resolution & refresh rate
  • window size & screen DPI

Model: device model.

πŸ“Œ Common features

Optional background (invisible) mode.

Global hotkey to enable / disable plugin.

Global gesture to enable / disable plugin.

Force FPS option to simulate low-end device.

Keep Alive option to survive scene switches.

Flexible counters anchoring.

Smart update system.

Independent counters update intervals.

Background effect.

Text Shadow & Outline effects.

Custom colors and style for each counter.

Custom scale, font, spacing, pixel offsets.

See, what we mean? there are tons of features when using the advanced FPS Counter, features you might have never thought of using. We personally use this unity tool in order to spot any issues with our games. So if you notice any lag, this tool might help you pinpoint when it’s happening and then you can work on trying to fix it.

Technical details

exampled of the advanced FPS Counter being used on a vr game
exampled of the advanced FPS Counter being used on a vr game

If you want to know the technical details about the Advanced FPS counter here is a quick breakdown. Please note we recommend using this type of unity asset with games that users would want to see an FPS Counter or for testing purposes.

Uses uGUI for rendering but supports fully customizable output through the API allowing you to read any counter value.

🀝 Compatibility

  • Assembly Definition friendly
  • modern C# and .NET friendly
  • IL2CPP friendly
  • ready to be integrated as UPM package
  • works everywhere Unity works including VR platforms and WebGL

When Downloading our assets here at get free unity assets we operate under a NON COMMERCIAL USE purpose. So please bare this in mind when you download

“Advanced FPS Counter”

Advanced FPS Counter

We do hope you have some fun with this unity asset package and as always don’t forget to show us your completed projects!

If you Like our content then why not try something new and check our other free unity downloads

From The Get Free Unity Assets Team

Here at Get Free Unity Assets we aim to help games designers obtain the game assets they require to create their very own game. We do know creating games can be quite expensive, especially with all the unity packages available for download.

So we created this website to provide unity assets for free to our users. That’s right they are yours to download and use on your game projects. Please note though as part of our terms of service you can only use the assets found on this website for non-commercial purposes. If you wish to use them commercially you will need to source a full licence from the creator.

As for learning how to create your own games our free unity assets are perfect for beginners and advanced users alike so feel free to download them and use them. Please do remember to share with us your finished work, we love seeing new game content ideas.

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