Survival Engine Free Download

survival engine free download

Welcome to Survival Engine, your comprehensive game template for crafting, building, farming, and embarking on a thrilling survival adventure. Designed as a foundation for creating your own survival or simulation game, Survival Engine provides a robust set of features, including inventory management, crafting systems, construction elements, hunting, fighting, and more. With the flexibility to add new items, customize behaviors, and tailor the game to your vision, Survival Engine equips you to create a captivating survival experience.

Key Features Of The Survival Engine

Here is a quick breakdown of the features this great engine has to offer.

Game Modes: Choose between Top-Down, Third-Person, or First-Person perspectives for a varied gaming experience.

Player Controls: Enjoy intuitive controls with support for mouse, mobile touch, keyboard, and gamepad inputs.

Inventory System: Efficient inventory management to keep track of resources, items, and equipment.

Crafting System: Engage players with a dynamic crafting system, allowing them to create tools, weapons, and more.

Equipment and Attachments: Equip characters with gear and attachments that impact their abilities and appearance.

Resource Gathering: Harvest resources from the environment for crafting and building.

Character Attributes: Manage character attributes such as health, hunger, and thirst for a realistic survival experience.

Animal Behaviors: Encounter diverse animal behaviors, including wandering, escaping, and chasing.

Hunting and Fishing: Implement hunting and fishing mechanics for acquiring food and resources.

If you want to know more great things this engine has to offer then why not read below!

  1. Farming System:
    • Cultivate your own crops with a farming system that includes planting, growth, and harvesting.
  2. Eating and Cooking:
    • Introduce eating and cooking mechanics for survival sustenance.
  3. Combat Mechanics:
    • Battle against wild animals with a robust combat system.
  4. Durability and Spoilage:
    • Manage item durability and food spoilage for added realism.
  5. Storage and Inventory Boxes:
    • Use storage boxes or chests to organize and store items.
  6. Pets:
    • Interact with pets with behaviors like following, attacking, and digging.
  7. Leveling System:
    • Implement a leveling system with XP and character progression.
  8. Bonus Effects:
    • Include consumables and equipment that provide bonus effects.
  9. Temperature System:
    • Account for temperature variations, cold, and heat sources in the environment.
  10. Customizable Actions:
    • Easily integrate your own code with a streamlined customizable actions feature.
  11. Day/Night Cycle:
    • Experience a dynamic game world with a game clock and day/night cycle.
  12. Save/Load System:
    • Ensure player progress with a robust save/load system.
  13. Random World Generation:
    • Enhance replayability with a random world generator for diverse landscapes.
  14. Art Assets:
    • Animated characters, animals, materials, gathering tools, weapons/armor, food items, cooked food, constructions, environment elements, farming plants, and all necessary 2D icons.
  15. Demo and Tutorials:
    • Explore the demo versions on Desktop, Android, and iOS.
    • Access tutorials via the YouTube Channel.
  16. Support and Community:
    • Join the Discord community for support and discussions.
  17. Integrations:
    • Seamless integration with Dialogue & Quests and Map and Minimap.
  18. Online Version:
    • Explore the Survival Engine Online version for an immersive online experience.
  19. Upgrade Option:
    • If you have SE offline, enjoy a $45 discount when you upgrade to SE online.

Thank you for considering Survival Engine as your go-to game template. Dive into the world of crafting, building, and survival with this versatile asset. Elevate your game development journey with the extensive features, flexible customization options, and a thriving community ready to support your vision.

Survival Engine - Crafting, Building, Farming download for unity game enigne
Nulled Survival Engine

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We do hope you have some fun with this unity asset package and as always don’t forget to show us your completed projects!

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From The Get Free Unity Assets Team

Here at Get Free Unity Assets we aim to help games designers obtain the game assets they require to create their very own game. We do know creating games can be quite expensive, especially with all the unity packages available for download.

So we created this website to provide unity assets for free to our users. That’s right they are yours to download and use on your game projects. Please note though as part of our terms of service you can only use the assets found on this website for non-commercial purposes. If you wish to use them commercially you will need to source a full licence from the creator.

As for learning how to create your own games our free unity assets are perfect for beginners and advanced users alike so feel free to download them and use them. Please do remember to share with us your finished work, we love seeing new game content ideas.

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